
Sustainable marketing explained
Sustainable marketing is the practice of promoting a company's commitment to taking concrete, continuous actions towards achieving a socially and environmentally better future.

10 common sustainability metrics and KPIs
If you're new to the area of sustainability and wondering what to start focusing efforts on, this brief overview of 10 common sustainability metrics and KPIs can give you an idea. This list draws inspiration from major global sustainability frameworks and sustainability reports by leading multinationals, providing a glimpse into the diverse aspects that sustainability encompasses.

Finding your sustainability brand voice
Choosing the right tone of voice in sustainability communications is crucial for driving meaningful change and inspiring action. Embracing distinct tones, such as humble, humorous, innovative, inspirational, and bold, allows organisations to convey sustainability messages effectively. Let's explore how these tones work for sustainability communications and highlight real examples from prominent companies.

5 sustainable marketing strategies
In today's sustainability-conscious world, sustainable marketing is vital for effective branding. However, the lack of clear strategies can be challenging. To address this gap, I've prepared a list of unique strategies that could help you tap into sustainable marketing and effectively communicate your commitment to sustainability.

Is your industry trusted?
The level of trust within an industry acts as a filter for public perception, determining whether your communications are perceived as genuine or not. It is thus imperative to understand the general sentiment surrounding your industry before planning your marketing and PR strategy.

10 impactful sustainability marketing campaigns
Sustainability marketing campaigns have emerged as powerful tools for brands to drive positive change, raise awareness about critical issues, and inspire consumers to take action. Here is the list of ten campaigns that I find really impressive, with my comments on the cause they champion, the message they convey, and the impact they have made.

The intersection of soft power and green marketing
While soft power and green marketing may initially seem unrelated, a closer examination reveals their shared fundamental principles and approaches. Let’s explore these commonalities.

Leveraging corporate citizenship in marketing strategies
Corporate citizenship and marketing are intertwined as they both contribute to a company's overall brand perception, customer relationships, and market positioning. Effective marketing strategies can help promote and amplify a company's commitment to corporate citizenship, resulting in tangible business benefits.

Top 10 sustainability marketing & PR courses
The demand for sustainability-focused marketing and PR continues to grow, and so does the need for upskilling and training. Luckily, leading global universities have launched several specialised programs and courses that equip marketing and PR professionals with specialised sustainability knowledge and skills. Here is the list!

Aligning marketing strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This article explores the role of the SDGs in ESG communications and sustainable marketing, highlights relevant industries for each goal (with company examples) and provides a practical action plan for businesses that are just getting started.